Namespace ChartTools
- Charter
Creator of the chart
- DesynchronizedAnchorException
Exception thrown when an invalid operation is performed on a desynchronized anchored Tempo.
- DrumsChord
Set of notes played simultaneously by drums
- DrumsNote
Note played by drums
- GHLChord
Set of notes played simultaneously by a Guitar Hero Live instrument
- Instrument
Base class for instruments
- InstrumentDifficultySet
Stores the estimated difficulties for instruments
- InstrumentSet
Set of all instruments
- InstrumentSpecialPhrase
Phrase related to an instrument that triggers an in-game event.
- Instrument<TChord>
Set of tracks common to an instrument
- LaneNote<TLane>
Base class for notes
- Song
Song playable in Clone Hero
- SpecialPhrase
Base class for phrases that define an in-game event with a duration such as star power.
- StandardChord
Set of notes played simultaneously by a standard five-fret instrument
- StreamCollection
Set of audio files to play and mute during gameplay
- SyncTrack
Set of markers that define the time signature and tempo
- Tempo
Marker that alters the tempo
- TempoMap
Set of tempo markers that handles synchronism of anchored tempos.
- TimeSignature
Marker that alters the time signature
- Track
Base class for tracks
- TrackSpecialPhrase
Phrase related to a track that triggers an in-game event.
- Track<TChord>
Set of chords for a instrument at a certain difficulty
- UndefinedEnumException
Exception thrown when using an Enum value that is not defined
- IChord
Set of notes tied together.
- IEmptyVerifiable
Adds support for a property defining if an object is empty
- IReadOnlyTrackObject
Object located on a track
- ITrackObject
Object located on a track
- Difficulty
Difficulty levels
- DrumsChordModifiers
Modifier that affects the way the chord can be played
- GHLChordModifiers
Modifier that affects how a GHLChord can be played
- GHLInstrumentIdentity
Guitar Hero Live instruments
- GHLLane
Frets for a GHL note
- InstrumentIdentity
All instruments
- MidiInstrumentOrigin
Origins of an instrument
- StandardChordModifiers
Modifier that affects how a StandardChord can be played
- StandardInstrumentIdentity
Standard five-fret instruments
- StandardLane
Frets for a standard note
- TrackSpecialPhraseType
Types of TrackSpecialPhrase